Sunday, August 15, 2010

Miles this week.

I am making it a point to get back to blogging. I began blogging as a way to track my training, and I intend to keep up with this now.

This week has been the most frustrating this season. I started the week with a migraine, and ended the week with an annoyed knee. Eight weeks from Chicago, I'm nervous, and hate not getting my miles on land. I have been told and have read, pool running is just as beneficial as land running. I do hope all that I have read, and heard are true. (because most my miles this week were done in the water. )

Here is my week:

Sunday: Great run! 12.27 miles is what my Garmin read, at the end Leesburg 20k. I ran a avg 8:06 pace and considering I walked a couple times up a couple different hills, that's great average pace!
Monday: rest

Tuesday: skipped track, but ran an easy 6.2 miles in the morning. Body pump in the evening.

Wednesday: I did my first pool run w/ Amy, and Katie. x 1 hour= 6 miles.

Thursday:4 miles on the dreadmill at lunch. ( noticed the knee then) 4 miles post work/storm. Definitely noticed knee then. :(

Friday: rest ( ugh!)

Saturday: 3 hours in the pool running. x3 hours pool running=18miles ( Thanks to Cheryl, Maria, and Katy for the company!)

Sunday: 1 hour in the pool with Liz! x1 hour pool running= 6 miles. Body Pump in the evening.

total miles this week: 44.2 miles ( mostly in water...sigh)

Good news is knee is feeling and looking better. I plan to test drive the knee tomorrow with an easy jog to see if I can track Tuesday. Here's hoping...


  1. sorry to hear about your knee, but wow 3 hours in the pool is impressive!

  2. Tara, thats still a ton of miles. I'm sure you'll be in excellent shape for Chicago. Aquajogging is definitely as good as running, I took 3 weeks off due to injury once and simulated all running workouts (long run, tempo, intervals) in the pool and I came back at exactly the same strength and speed. Let yourself heal and keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks Jessica x 2. 3 hours in a pool is def a test mental endurance!

    Beth...that is great to hear. As much as I read, that was what I was wondering if/when I am back on land how will my speed and running be effected. thank you for sharing that!
