( just slight swelling over ankle, but the rest of my ankle is within normal limits!)
I had my 4 week ( and 2 days) check up today, and it was full good news!
1. I get to start baring weight on my right foot, with the walking boot on! I will use the crutches for support while I retrain my body( and brain) to walk and bare weight on the foot. Once I am comfortable and feel confident walking without them, then bye-bye crutches!! (I really want to set up a crutch trashing/cast burning party!...maybe in 4 weeks) Once I am successful in walking without crutch assistantance, I'm heading back to the gym for the weights. ( I have been maintaining tone at home, but it will be good to get out of my place to do the workout:)
Walking with the waking boot is a go! yay!
2. In a week, I can start sleeping without the boot on! Good!
3.Range of motion exercises can also begin! Wow~ I have very little right now.
My exercise is as follow: I have to trace the letters of the alphabet using my ankle. Today this is difficult, it's more like fine print ROM; I know this will progress over time to capital letters ROM. :)
* Range of motion.
4. In 2 weeks we'll talk PT. I think he's waiting to see what I can do on my own, cool. (I think being an athlete does have it's advantage here; PT and regaining range of motion)
5. In 4 weeks I can start swimming and pool running!! (if not sooner for pool running)
6. In 8 weeks we can start talking running!! Which means running will be my Christmas gift in 2010.
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is to begin running. :)
7. Next appointment is in 2 weeks. I plan to work on my range of motion as tolerated, and have begun walking with crutches today.
I'm excited! Seeing progress make this girl smile. :)
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