My ups: I had a great week last week with my track speed work! A strong/fast 2k, PR 1600 @ 6:50, followed by strong 1200, 800, and 400!
Leesburg I raced the (almost) 20k. I ran an 8:05 avg pace, and finished 1:40 feeling very strong! This race left me feeling that I could not only PR in Philly half marathon, but maybe even break the 1:45 mark! Woot!!
My downs: Migraine Sunday night took me out from running( and work) Monday. Due to recovering from such a bad migraine, I was not feeling strong enough for track, so I skipped it per coach's advice, and ran easy 6miler instead.
Yesterday I had to run 8. I did 4 during lunch hour, and the 2nd 4 after work/storm. This was where my L knee decided to say "hello, remember me?"( yes this is the same knee and area that made my Marine Corp experience awful) By the time I finished the 2nd 4, I could tell my knee was swollen, and I had little problem, urg. It wasn't hurting, and I wasn't limping, but it was definitely there, and I was definitely worried! I hit the NSAID's and ice stat! ( and posted on FB,lol)

Coach George saw my FB post, and contacted me. I told him how I was feeling, and that I was worried bc I " had' to run my 20 this weekend. Well, thank God for the Coach. :) He opened my eyes to 1. I did not HAVE to run my 20 this weekend. 2. If I continue on, the potential of injuring further is greater, thus maybe taking me out for good for this season. ( While I know this ALL could happen, after all I am a nurse, I'm too stubborn/hard headed to stop myself)
Now, I am "grounded" from running for a few days because my knee. It's hard especially on a day like today when it's gorgeous out, and I have my new cw-x shorts finally!
A new up: I finally tried pool running on Wednesday with Amy and Katie. I became an instant fan! So the plan this weekend is to get my miles in via the pool Saturday and Sunday. Looks like I'll have company both days!
Here's hoping this heals soon. Chicago is less than 2 months away, and I have Boston on the mind.