I PR'd! I PR'd by 1 min and 2 seconds- despite the cold and not feeling that energetic pre-race. I am pretty excited!
This past week I have been watching the Garmin less or not at all during my runs. (Although, I think it got me in trouble at track as I took my 1st mile too fast)Anyhow, going into this race, I decided I would wear it (so I could record times and such) but I would not look at my Garmin during the race- and I did not, except for 1 peak.
Mile 1: 7:34
Felt great! I took this mile to warm up, get in my rhythm. No Garmin watching.
Mile 2: 7:29
Settling into my pace and my breathing. No Garmin watching.
Mile 3: 7:24
My mouth started to dry a bit from the cold air, and my breathing. I could start to feel (sorry if this is TMI or gross) some flem settling towards the bottom of my throat. I coughed and cleared it, but after a bit a little more returned. I decided when I would run past the 2nd water stop, I would "wet my whistle" with some water to help clear my throat. (Which was not clearing well since my mouth was dry at this point) Besides the flem filled throat, I was feeling good physically. No Garmin watching.
Mile 4: 7:45
Water! I grabbed a cup, slowed, and drank/spit repeat. Finally a wet mouth and a cleared throat! As I turned the corner to get on Pennsylvania Ave I began to pick up my pace, this was the only time that I peaked at my Garmin, and it was just to see the race time, not my pace.
Mile 5 - 7 :15 (My Garmin read a total of 5.07 miles. An 8K is a 4.9 mile race)
The last mile felt like it was a net downhill towards the finish line. With a cleared throat, and the finish line in sight, I gave it my all until the end.
(According to the Garmin my .07 was 6:04)
Time: 37:54! Avg pace on Garmin for measured 5.07 miles is 7:28
I typically have longer race reports, but this was a pretty uneventful race; I had fun, I felt great, and I PR'd.
By not watching my Garmin, I felt great the whole time; I naturally progressed my pace, instead of forcing it. I also noted, no Garmin watching for me = A LOT less mind games for myself as well. Winning!
Obviously, the Garmin is a very useful training tool, I am definitely not giving it up at all. After all, how would I then keep track of my training runs!?I am just saying, my new strategy, when it comes to racing, is just have fun, and not clock watch. :)