Only Body pump today.
Monday: recovery 4.2 miles.
Tuesday: I woke up very sleepy. I even contemplated on heading to the evening session; but many times before I have thought that, and once I start running, I would feel fine. Well, not this Tuesday, after 4x800 I was zapped! I actually went home, called in late to work, and napped for 45 minutes.
(morning session=3.5 miles)
In the afternoon, I set out to run 4-5 more miles to meet my daily mileage. I definitely felt much more awake and stronger this run! Mile 1= 9:20pace. Mile 2 dropped to 8:25. Mile 3 I dropped to 8:12 pace, and mile 4 I slowed to 9. Total miles: 4.75
I had so much fun!! It was a great evening, the weather felt good, and I had great music playing on my ipod!
I came home feeling like a kid that just came in from playing at the playground....smiling, pumped, and definitely feeling the "runners high!"
total mileage=8.25
Wednesday: Still feeling my fatigue, I went to the pool. total pool: 90 minutes or 10 miles.
Thursday: Interesting day. It was very busy at work, and I was still fighting the fatigue of the week. I knew going into track, it would be a much slower tempo then the weeks before; which was fine by me. ;)
I will break down the average pace and miles:
Mile 1: the group was reading all kinds of paces, I can't remember what was shouted out, but my Garmin was reading 8:08.
Mile 1 average pace:8:06
Mile 2: average pace: 8:02
Mile 3: average pace 7:57
Mile 4: average pace 7:35
It was definitely a much slower tempo this week, but I felt very comfortable in it.
Side note: The Coach does always knows best! No mater what may happens; it IS because the Coach wants to see the very best out of you, and wants to see his runners succeed in training. I value EVERYTHING Coach George has taught me this year! He has made me a stronger, wiser, and a much faster runner. So, he will be happy to know,
I am going into this weeks tempo with a whole new game plan. :)
Total mileage: 8.5
Friday: Rest
Saturday: body pump and an easy 3 miles. ( I had 12 hours sleep Friday night; which definitely helped me feel much, much better and rested for the weekend.)
Sunday: 16 incredible miles!! The morning was chilly, I could have definitely worn a long sleeve at start. ( Stephanie was nice enough to let me wear hers for a moment...though I don't think I gave her a choice! lol)
Myself, Marcie, and Stephanie, started together, nice slow easy pace. We ran smart, and held it at a nice easy pace for the first 8 miles.
Mile 8, we began to pick the pace up. ( evident by the group getting quiet, and separating from each other:)
What an amazing run!!! Our average pace from mile 8 till mile 14.84 was 8:02!!! As Steph would write..." OOoo eemmmm gggeee!!!" Mile 11-12 I was averaging 7:45. The pace totally felt effortless; if that's the right word to use. Yes, I was sweating, and breathing fast, but I was definitely not exerting myself, or never worried I would be burnt by the end. Last mile was 7:50 was amazing!!
Thanks running partner for driving me, and pacing me the way you do!! :)
This weeks miles: 49.95
Pool: 10 miles
Land: 39.95 miles
Next weeks long run: 21-22 miles
Weeks till Chicago: 5!!!!